Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I Had this Dream...

I don't remember to much in the way of specific detail. I was with some people, and a female member went over a hill. I followed her to make sure she was safe. Walked over the hill, through some woods and came to a clearing beside a stream. There were perhaps thirty or fourty people around the clearing, all of them busy with their hands. I don't know exactly what they were doing but it was my impression that they were all working both conjunctively and seamlessly. There was an extremely attractive yet ineffable vibration that permeated the group. It was as if they were of one mind, one purpose, each playing their part perfectly. Neither myself nor the woman I had followed knew how to connect to the work, and a representative of the group came and gently escorted us to the side where we could still see the work, but were not in the way.

In the next scene the same group had arisen and were dancing, nude, in a procession. Again there was a sense of perfection. A unity between the individuals and the whole. There was an indescribably beautiful music playing and once again I was struck by the vibration.

Finally one of the female dancers danced by me and seemed to offer her right breast. I moved to take it into my mouth, but she quickly withdrew. I looked up a little hurt that she was teasing me, but she just laughed and kissed me on the lips. That woke me up!

My waking impression of the dream centered on the vibration I had just experienced, and I spent much of that first day trying to attune myself with very limited success. I don't know whether there are literally groups that exist like that, or if it's an idealization whose reality is encompassed by being tuned to that level of vibration. I only know that I want to be tuned as they were. Finally, as nice as the ending was, I think its principal function was to wake me up, so I would remember that vibration.


Mermaid Melanie said...

hate it when you wake up in the really good part of the dream....


Mississippi Songbird said...

I'll get my popcorn and maybe you'll finish that dream and write more about it..lol